I Love Big Books and I Can Not Lie!


There are two things I really love.  One is reading and the second is summertime.  Oh, my goodness!  I  am addicted to books.   Reading and summertime go hand in hand.  To be able to read without limits is a summer daydream.


My dream of having a home library is well on its way.  Ever since working as a hostess for a Christmas party during college in a home with a gorgeous library,  I dream of having a home library.  This library was unlike anything I had ever seen.  Up to that point, I really hadn’t seen one in a home.  This library came complete with mahogany wood and a ladder.  I was smitten!

Well, we aren’t to the mahogany wood or ladder yet, but thousands of books we do have.  I want my kids to have great books at their fingertips.  Never mind we now have instant access to electronic books, the real black ink on paper is what really satisfies me.

Our community library is like heaven to me.  Oh!  the possibilities that wait for me there!  I remember as a kid going every couple weeks to the library during the summer.  I would walk the shelves looking for fantastic reads.  The famous Little House on the Prairie series and stories about nurses or historical fiction filled my days.  Oh, the smell of a library and the cool little check out cards that were stamped when you checked out your great finds!  That was my dream job as a 13 year old.  I wanted to scan the books, stamp the dates and slide that cardboard name card back into the special, little pocket.  Summer childhood memories.


I remember going to college and the love of reading was stomped into the ground.  So much reading; so much boring reading.  But, after my eldest child was born, the love was sparked once again.  This time I devoured books!  They were my escape.  I couldn’t get enough.  I was introduced to some great Christian fiction authors and read all of their works.  This reading brought light back into my soul.  Reading is powerful.  Books are powerful.

I have compiled a list of books I want to read this summer.  I tend to be a little finicky and picky these days.  I usually freestyle on the books.  I wasn’t sure I could come up with a refined book list.  If they don’t grab me by page 75, our relationship may come to a screeching halt.  I heard somewhere if a book doesn’t pull you in by page 100, put it away.  Life is too short and there are too many amazing books to force yourself to read dull books!  So, that is my philosophy.  Although, it is with great reluctance, this cutting off of a book not worthy of my time.

I have divided the books into three categories.  I will work at these books all summer.  Some may go by the wayside; something new may be added in.  But, this is the start.


Personal Spiritual Growth

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The Next Christians  by Gabe Lyons

The Best Yes  by Lysa Terkeurst

The Sacred Romance  by Brent Curtis and John Eldridge

Abundant Simplicity  by Jan Johnson

A Confident Heart  by Renee Swope

Your Legacy  by Dr. James Dobson

A Ragamuffin Gospel  by Brennan Manning  (not pictured)


Personal Enrichment

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The War of Art  by Steven Pressfield

Daring Greatly  by Brene Brown

Words Fail Me  by Patricia T. O’Conner

The Jesus-hearted Woman  by Jodi Detrick

Things I Want My Daughters to Know  by Alexandra Stoddard

The Nesting Place  by Myquillyn Smith



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The Lost Symbol  by Dan Brown

Somerset  by Leila Meacham

All The Light We Cannot See  by Anthony Doerr

Find Me  by Laura Van den Berg

Keep in mind I am a fluid reader.  I will have more than one going at a time.  Some of these may lose their fire for me.  I certainly may add different titles along the way.  That’s okay.  Reading should be enjoyable!  I just learn the lessons I can from the book and move on.  My legalistic self, often feels like there is a running tally and list of books I started, but put down.  But, guess what?  There isn’t!

I’m all sorts of happy with my list!  I get all excited when I come upon different reading lists.  Practically giddy!  So many new books and so many to yet cross my path.  What are you reading?  I would love to hear about the books you have in the stack beside you!  Speaking of stacks…I have them!  I’m never going to be a crazy cat lady, but I just may end up as the crazy book lady!  My dream of having a home library is well on its way to great books!
